Analysis of 10x genomics scATAC-seq data using sincei

The data used here is part of our 10x genomics multiome tutorial, described here

We will use the BAM file, barcodes and peaks.bed file obtained using the cellrange-arc workflow. Alternatively, the BAM file (tagged with cell barcode) and peaks.bed can be obtained from a custom mapping/peak calling workflow, and the list of filtered cell barcodes can be obtained using sincei (see the parent tutorial for explanation).

Define common bash variables:

# create dir
mkdir sincei_output/atac

# save as bash variables

2. Quality control - I (read-level)

In order to define high quality cells, we can use the read-level quality statistics from scFilterStats. There could be several indications of low quality cells in this data, such as:

  • high PCR duplicates (marked by cellranger workflow, detected using --samFlagExclude)

  • high fraction of reads aligned to blacklisted regions (filtered using --blacklist)

  • high fraction of reads with poor mapping quality (filtered using --minMappingQuality)

  • very high/low GC content of the aligned reads, indicating reads mostly aligned to low-complexity regions (filtered using --GCcontentFilter)

  • high level of secondary/supplementary alignments (filtered using --samFlagExclude/Include)

for r in 1 2
    barcodes=${dir}/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv.gz # from sincei or cellranger output
    zcat ${barcodes} > ${dir}/filtered_barcodes.txt
    scFilterStats -p 20 \
    --region chr1 \
    --GCcontentFilter '0.2,0.8' \
    --minMappingQuality 10 \
    --samFlagInclude 64 --samFlagExclude 256 --samFlagExclude 2048 \
    --barcodes ${dir}/filtered_barcodes.txt \
    --cellTag CB \
    -bl ${blacklist}  \
    --label atac_rep${r} \
    -o sincei_output/atac/scFilterStats_output_rep${r}.txt \
    -b ${bamfile}

scFilterStats summarizes these outputs as a table, which can then be visualized using the MultiQC tool, to select appropriate list of cells to include for counting.

multiqc sincei_output/atac/ # results in multiqc_report.html

3. Signal aggregation (counting reads)

Below we use sincei to aggregate signal from single-cells, using the atac_peaks.bed file, which contains regions of local signal enrichment detected using the cellranger-arc workflow.

Since we get seperate peaks file from each replicate, we can run sincei on the union of the peaks detected between them.

If needed, we can use the same parameters as in scFilterStats to count only high quality reads from our whitelist of barcodes.

We avoid counting reads in blacklisted regions of the human genome (–blacklist).

## merge intervals from 2 peaks bed files
for f in cellranger_output_rep*/outs/atac_peaks.bed; do awk '{if(NR>51) {print $0}}' $f >> repmerged.bed; done
sort -k1,1 -k2n,2 repmerged.bed | bedtools merge -i - > atac_peaks_merged.bed

# count reads on merged bed file
for r in 1 2
    scCountReads features -p 20 \
    --BED atac_peaks_merged.bed --cellTag CB --region chr1 \
    --minMappingQuality 10 --samFlagInclude 64 --samFlagExclude 2048 \
    --extendReads \
    -bl ${blacklist} -bc ${barcodes} --cellTag CB \
    -o sincei_output/atac/scCounts_atac_peaks_rep${r} \
    --label atac_rep${r} \
    -b ${bamfile}

# Number of bins found: 18527

4. Quality control - II (count-level)

Even though we already performed read-level QC before, the counts distribution on our specified regions (bins/genes/peaks) could be different from the whole-genome stats.

scCountQC, with the --outMetrics option, outputs the count statistics at region and cell level (labelled as .regions.tsv and .cells.tsv). Just like scFilterStats, these outputs can then be visualized using the MultiQC tool, to select appropriate metrics to filter out the unwanted cells/regions.

# list the metrics we can use to filter cells/regions
for r in 1 2; do scCountQC -i sincei_output/atac/scCounts_atac_peaks_rep${r}.loom --describe; done

# export the single-cell level metrices
for r in 1 2; do scCountQC -i sincei_output/atac/scCounts_atac_peaks.loom -om sincei_output/atac/countqc_atac_peaks_rep${r} & done

# visualize output using multiQC
multiqc sincei_output/atac/ # see results in multiqc_report.html

In total >18.5k regions have been detected in >13.5K cells here.

Below, we perform a basic filtering using scCountQC. We exclude the cells with <500 and >10000 detected bins (--filterRegionArgs). Also, we exclude the regions that are detected in too few cells (<100) or in >90% of cells (--filterCellArgs).

for r in 1 2
do scCountQC -i sincei_output/atac/scCounts_atac_peaks_rep${r}.loom \
-o sincei_output/atac/scCounts_atac_peaks_filtered_rep${r}.loom \
--filterRegionArgs "n_cells_by_counts: 100, 5500" \
--filterCellArgs "n_genes_by_counts: 500, 10000"

## rep 1
#Applying filters
#Remaining cells: 6153
#Remaining features: 13502
## rep 2
#Applying filters
#Remaining cells: 6109
#Remaining features: 13911

5. Combine counts for the 2 replicates

While it’s useful to perform count QC seperately for each replicate, the counts can now be combined for downstream analysis. We provide a tool scCombineCounts, which can concatenate counts for cells based on common features. Concatenating the filtered cells for the 2 replicates would result in a total of >12K cells.

scCombineCounts \
-i sincei_output/atac/scCounts_atac_peaks_filtered_rep1.loom \
sincei_output/atac/scCounts_atac_peaks_filtered_rep2.loom \
-o sincei_output/atac/scCounts_atac_peaks_filtered.merged.loom \
--method multi-sample --labels rep1 rep2
# Combined cells: 12262
# Combined features: 13249

5. Dimentionality reduction and clustering

Finally, we will apply LSA on the filtered dataset to reduce the dimentionality to 30 Topics, combined with louvain clustering.

scClusterCells -i sincei_output/atac/scCounts_atac_peaks_filtered.merged.loom \
-m LSA --clusterResolution 1 \
-op sincei_output/atac/scClusterCells_UMAP.png \
-o sincei_output/atac/scCounts_atac_peaks_clustered.loom
# Coherence Score:  -1.83
# also produces the tsv file "sincei_output/scClusterCells_UMAP.tsv"

(optional) Confirmation of clustering using metadata

Below, we will load this data in R and compare it to the cell metadata provided with our files to see if our clustering separates celltypes in a biologically meaningful way.

We can color our UMAP output from scClusterCells with the cell-type information based on FACS-sorting from sortChIC.


umap <- read.delim("sincei_output/atac/scClusterCells_UMAP.tsv")
meta <- read.csv("metadata_cd34_atac.csv", row.names = 1)
umap$celltype <- meta[gsub("rep1_", "", umap$Cell_ID), "celltype"]

# keep only cells with published labels
umap %<>% filter(!

## make plots
df_center <- group_by(umap, cluster) %>% summarise(UMAP1 = mean(UMAP1), UMAP2 = mean(UMAP2))
df_center2 <- group_by(umap, celltype) %>% summarise(UMAP1 = mean(UMAP1), UMAP2 = mean(UMAP2))

# colors for metadata (12 celltypes)
col_pallete <- c("#808080", RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Paired"))
names(col_pallete) <- unique(umap$celltype) # grey is for NA

# colors for sincei UMAP (9 clusters)
colors_cluster <- c("#315e66", "#808080", "#315e66", RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Paired"))
names(colors_cluster) <- unique(umap$cluster)

p1 <- umap %>%
  ggplot(., aes(UMAP1, UMAP2, color=factor(cluster), label=cluster)) +
  geom_point() + geom_label(data = df_center, aes(UMAP1, UMAP2)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = colors_cluster) + theme_minimal(base_size = 12) +
  theme(legend.position = "none") + #labs(x="UMAP1", y="UMAP2") +
  ggtitle("sincei clusters (LSA + louvain)")

p2 <- umap %>% filter(! %>%
  ggplot(., aes(UMAP1, UMAP2, color=factor(celltype), label=celltype)) +
    geom_point() + geom_label(data = df_center2, aes(UMAP1, UMAP2)) +
    scale_color_manual(values = col_pallete) +
    labs(color="Cluster") + theme_minimal(base_size = 12) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
  ggtitle("Published Cell Types")

pl <- p1 + p2
ggsave(plot=pl, "sincei_output/atac/UMAP_compared_withOrig.png", dpi=300, width = 11, height = 6)

The figure above shows that we can easily replicate the expected cell-type results from the scATAC data using sincei. This was done using only 1/20th of original data (chromosome 1) and basic pre-processing steps, therefore the results should only improve with full data, better cell/region filtering and optimizing the analysis parameters.

6. Creating bigwigs and visualizing signal on IGV

For further exploration of data, It’s very useful to create in-silico bulk coverage files (bigwigs) that aggregate the signal across cells in our clusters. The tool scBulkCoverage takes sincei clustered .tsv file, along with the corresponding BAM files, and aggregate the signal to create these bigwigs.

The parameters here are same as other sincei tools that work on BAM files, except that we can ask for a normalized bulk signal (specified using --normalizeUsing option) . Below, we produce CPM-normalized bigwigs with 1kb bins.

scBulkCoverage -p 20 --cellTag CB --normalizeUsing CPM --binSize 1000 \
--minMappingQuality 10 --samFlagInclude 64 --samFlagExclude 2048 \
--duplicateFilter 'start_bc_umi' --extendReads \
-b cellranger_output_rep1/outs/atac_possorted_bam.bam \
cellranger_output_rep2/outs/atac_possorted_bam.bam \
--labels rep1_atac_rep1 rep2_atac_rep2 \
-i sincei_output/atac/scClusterCells_UMAP.tsv \
-o sincei_output/atac/sincei_cluster
# creates 6 files with names "sincei_cluster_<X>.bw" where X is 0, 1... 9

We can now inspect these bigwigs on IGV. We can clearly see some regions with cell-type specific signal, such as the markers described in the original manucscript: TAL1 (erythroid), MPO (myeloid) and IRF (dendritic) marker genes.
