Source code for sincei.scFilterBarcodes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import argparse
import sys
import os

from deeptools import parserCommon, bamHandler, utilities
from deeptools.mapReduce import mapReduce
from deeptoolsintervals import GTF
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
from functools import reduce

# plotting
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

matplotlib.rcParams["pdf.fonttype"] = 42
matplotlib.rcParams["svg.fonttype"] = "none"

# logs
import warnings
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()
warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)

## own functions
# scriptdir=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, "../../sincei"))
# sys.path.append(scriptdir)
from sincei.Utilities import *
from sincei import ParserCommon

[docs]def parseArguments(): io_args = ParserCommon.inputOutputOptions(opts=["bamfile", "whitelist", "outFile"], requiredOpts=["bamfile"]) bam_args = ParserCommon.bamOptions( suppress_args=["labels", "smartLabels", "distanceBetweenBins", "region"], default_opts={"binSize": 100000}, ) other_args = ParserCommon.otherOptions() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[io_args, get_args(), bam_args, other_args], formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=""" This tool identifies barcodes present in a BAM files and produces a list. You can optionally filter these barcodes by matching them to a whitelist or based on total counts. """, usage="Example usage: scFilterBarcodes -b sample.bam -w whitelist.txt > barcodes_detected.txt", add_help=False, ) return parser
[docs]def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) general = parser.add_argument_group("Counting Options") general.add_argument( "--minHammingDist", "-d", help="Minimum hamming distance to match the barcode in whitelist. Note that increasing the " "hamming distance really slows down the barcode detection process.", metavar="INT", type=int, default=0, required=False, ) general.add_argument( "--minCount", "-mc", help="Minimum no. of bins with non-zero counts, in order to report a barcode. Note that this number would range " "from 0 to genome size/binSize. ", metavar="INT", type=int, default=0, required=False, ) general.add_argument( "--minMappingQuality", "-mq", metavar="INT", help="If set, only reads that have a mapping " "quality score of at least this are " "considered.", type=int, ) general.add_argument( "--rankPlot", "-rp", type=parserCommon.writableFile, help='The output file name to plot the ranked counts per barcode (similar to the "knee plot",' "but counts in this case would be the number of non-zero bins)", ) return parser
## get hamming dist between 2 sequences
[docs]def ham_dist(s1, s2): if len(s1) != len(s2): raise ValueError("Undefined") return sum(ch1 != ch2 for ch1, ch2 in zip(s1, s2))
[docs]def getFiltered_worker(arglist): chrom, start, end, args = arglist # Fix the bounds if end <= start: end = start + 1 ## open blacklist file blackList = None if args.blackListFileName is not None: blackList = GTF(args.blackListFileName) fh = bamHandler.openBam(args.bamfile) chromUse = utilities.mungeChromosome(chrom, fh.references) BCset = set() for read in fh.fetch(chromUse, start, end): if read.pos < start: # ensure that we never double count (in case distanceBetweenBins == 0) continue if read.flag & 4: # Ignore unmapped reads, they were counted already continue if args.minMappingQuality and read.mapq < args.minMappingQuality: continue ## reads in blacklisted regions if blackList and blackList.findOverlaps( chrom, read.reference_start, read.reference_start + read.infer_query_length(always=False) - 1, ): continue ## get barcode and append to set try: bc = read.get_tag(args.cellTag) except KeyError: continue if args.whitelist: # match barcode to whitelist if args.minHammingDist == 0: if bc in args.whitelist: BCset.add(bc) else: try: hamdist = [ham_dist(x, bc) for x in args.whitelist] if min(hamdist) <= args.minHammingDist: BCset.add(bc) except ValueError: continue else: BCset.add(bc) fh.close() # return the set with barcodes detected return BCset
# count occurances of elements (barcodes) in a list of sets
[docs]def count_occurrences(res): barcodes = set.union(*res) counts = {barcode: 0 for barcode in barcodes} for set_ in res: for barcode in set_: counts[barcode] += 1 return counts
[docs]def main(args=None): args = parseArguments().parse_args(args) if not args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # open barcode file and read the content in a list if args.whitelist: with open(args.whitelist, "r") as f: barcodes = args.whitelist = barcodes bhs = bamHandler.openBam(args.bamfile, returnStats=True, nThreads=args.numberOfProcessors)[0] chrom_sizes = list(zip(bhs.references, bhs.lengths)) bhs.close() # Get the remaining metrics res = mapReduce( [args], getFiltered_worker, chrom_sizes, genomeChunkLength=args.binSize, blackListFileName=args.blackListFileName, numberOfProcessors=args.numberOfProcessors, verbose=args.verbose, ) ## res, should be a list of sets # final_set = list(set().union(*res)) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(count_occurrences(res), orient="index", columns=["count"]).reset_index() df.columns = ["barcode", "count"] df["selected"] = True if args.minCount: if args.minCount > len(res): print("minCount bigger than No. of bins. Reducing to maximum") args.minCount = len(res) final_set = df.loc[df["count"] >= args.minCount]["barcode"].to_list() df.loc[df["count"] < args.minCount, "selected"] = False else: final_set = df["barcode"].tolist() # convert count to log10 if args.rankPlot: df["count_log10"] = np.log10(df["count"]) df["count_rank"] = df["count"].rank(method="min", ascending=False) xrange = np.arange(0, np.round(max(df["count_rank"]), -3), np.round(int(max(df["count_rank"]) / 10), -3)) yrange = np.arange( np.round(min(df["count_log10"]), 2), np.round(max(df["count_log10"]), 2), np.round(max(df["count_log10"]) / 10, 2), ) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot( "count_rank", "count_log10", data=df, linestyle="none", marker="o", color="grey", markersize=0.5, ) ax.set_xlabel("Barcode Rank", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("No. of nonzero bins (log10)", fontsize=12) ax.set_title("Ranked counts (#bins) for detected Barcodes", fontsize=13) plt.xticks(xrange, fontsize=10) plt.yticks(yrange, fontsize=10) # Annotation if args.minCount: plt.axhline(np.log10(args.minCount), color="r") fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig( args.rankPlot, dpi="figure", format=None, metadata=None, pad_inches=0.2, facecolor="auto", edgecolor="auto", backend=None, ) if args.outFile is None: of = sys.stdout else: of = open(args.outFile, "w") # for x in final_set: # of.write(str(x) + "\n") df.to_csv(of, sep="\t") return 0