Source code for sincei.scBulkCoverage

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import argparse
import sys
import os
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from deeptools.getScaleFactor import get_scale_factor
from deeptools.bamHandler import openBam

# logs
import warnings
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()
warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)

## own Functions
# scriptdir=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, "../../sincei"))
# sys.path.append(scriptdir)

from sincei import ParserCommon
from sincei import WriteBedGraph

debug = 0

[docs]def parseArguments(): io_args = ParserCommon.inputOutputOptions(opts=["bamfiles", "groupInfo", "outFilePrefix"]) bam_args = ParserCommon.bamOptions(default_opts={"binSize": 100}) read_args = ParserCommon.readOptions() filter_args = ParserCommon.filterOptions() other_args = ParserCommon.otherOptions() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[io_args, get_args(), bam_args, filter_args, read_args, other_args], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="This tool takes alignments of reads or fragments " "as input (BAM files), along with cell grouping information, such as " "barcode -> batch, or barcode -> cluster, as tsv file, and generates a " "coverage track (bigWig or bedGraph) per group as output. " "The coverage is calculated as the number of reads per bin, " "where bins are short consecutive counting windows of a defined " "size. It is possible to extended/change the length of the reads " "to better reflect the actual fragment length. *scBulkCoverage* " "offers normalization per cluster using different methods \n", usage="An example usage is:" "$ scBulkCoverage -b file1.bam file2.bam --labels file1 file2 -g scClusterCells_output.tsv -o", add_help=False, ) return parser
[docs]def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) optional = parser.add_argument_group("Coverage-related Options") optional.add_argument( "--outFileFormat", "-of", help='Output file type. Either "bigwig" or "bedgraph".', choices=["bigwig", "bedgraph"], default="bigwig", ) optional.add_argument( "--normalizeUsing", "-n", help="How to normalize the pseudo-bulk counts. Options are " '"CPM": normalized each bin to the counts per million mapped reads in that group.\n' '"Frequency": binarize the coverage per bin and normalize to the total no. of cells per group. \n' '"Mean": get mean signal per bin across cells in each group.\n' '"None": simply return the sum of coverage per group.', choices=["CPM", "Frequency", "Mean", "None"], default="CPM", ) optional.add_argument( "--ignoreForNormalization", "-ig", help="Chromosomes to skip while calculating normalization factors", nargs="+", default=None, ) optional.add_argument( "--normalizeByReference", "-nr", help="NOT IMPLEMENTED: Normalize each group of cells by a reference group (which must be present in the --groupinfo file)" "Note that the --normalizeUsing method is applied beforehand.", choices=["ratio", "log2_ratio", "difference", "None"], default=None, ) optional.add_argument( "--scaleFactor", help="The computed scaling factor (or 1, if not applicable) will " "be multiplied by this. (Default: %(default)s)", default=1.0, type=float, required=False, ) optional.add_argument( "--MNase", help="Determine nucleosome positions from MNase-seq/CUTnRUN data. " "Only 3 nucleotides at the center of each fragment are counted. " "The fragment ends are defined by the two mate reads. Only fragment lengths" "between 130 - 200 bp are considered to avoid dinucleosomes or other artifacts. " "By default, any fragments smaller or larger than this are ignored. To " "over-ride this, use the --minFragmentLength and --maxFragmentLength options, " "which will default to 130 and 200 if not otherwise specified in the presence " "of --MNase. *NOTE*: Requires paired-end data. A bin size of 1 is recommended.", action="store_true", ) optional.add_argument( "--Offset", help="Uses this offset inside of each read as the signal. This is useful in " "cases like RiboSeq or GROseq, where the signal is 12, 15 or 0 bases past the " "start of the read. This can be paired with the --filterRNAstrand option. " "Note that negative values indicate offsets from the end of each read. A value " "of 1 indicates the first base of the alignment (taking alignment orientation " "into account). Likewise, a value of -1 is the last base of the alignment. An " "offset of 0 is not permitted. If two values are specified, then they will be " "used to specify a range of positions. Note that specifying something like " "--Offset 5 -1 will result in the 5th through last position being used, which " "is equivalent to trimming 4 bases from the 5-prime end of alignments. Note " "that if you specify --centerReads, the centering will be performed before the " "offset.", metavar="INT", type=int, nargs="+", required=False, ) return parser
[docs]def main(args=None): args = ParserCommon.validateInputs( parseArguments().parse_args(args), process_barcodes=False ) # newlabels are discarded, since they are re-created from groupInfo file global debug if args.verbose: sys.stderr.write("Specified --scaleFactor: {}\n".format(args.scaleFactor)) debug = 1 else: debug = 0 logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") ## read the group info file (TODO: write a validator) df_err = """ *Error*:No. of columns in --groupInfo file not recognized. Please provide either 3 (sample, barcode, group) or 4 (sample::barcode, umap1, umap2, group) column file""" ## if the no. of columns are 3, expect "sample", "barcode", "cluster", if 4, expect sample:bc, umap1, umap2, cluster df = pd.read_csv(args.groupInfo, sep="\t", index_col=None, comment="#") if len(df.columns) == 3: df.columns = ["sample", "barcode", "cluster"] elif len(df.columns) == 4: df.columns = ["Cell_ID", "umap1", "umap2", "cluster"] try: df[["sample", "barcode"]] = df.Cell_ID.str.split("::", expand=True) except: sys.exit(df_err) else: sys.exit(df_err) df.index = df[["sample", "barcode"]].apply(lambda x: "::".join(x), axis=1) # barcodes = groupInfo.barcode.unique().tolist() ## match the sample labels with groupInfo labels before proceeding ## create new DF with user-provided bam+labels (this would match the counts) # check that sample names in df and --labels match labels_not_in_df = set(args.labels).difference(set(df["sample"])) df_not_in_labels = set(df["sample"]).difference(set(args.labels)) if bool(df_not_in_labels): sys.stderr.write( "Some (or all) of the samples indicated in the groupInfo file " "are absent from the bam file labels! \n" "Mismatched samples are: {} \n".format(df_not_in_labels) ) df = df.loc[df["sample"].isin(set(args.labels)),] elif bool(labels_not_in_df): sys.stderr.write( "Some (or all) of the samples indicated in --labels " "are absent from the in the groupInfo file! \n" "Mismatched samples are: {} \n".format(labels_not_in_df) ) # make another df, containing union of all barcodes, and in the same order per sample barcodes = df["barcode"].unique().tolist() sm = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.repeat(lab, len(barcodes)) for lab in args.labels)) bc = barcodes * len(args.labels) groupInfo = pd.DataFrame({"sample": sm, "barcode": bc}) groupInfo.index = groupInfo[["sample", "barcode"]].apply(lambda x: "::".join(x), axis=1) groupInfo = pd.merge( groupInfo, df["cluster"], how="left", left_index=True, right_index=True, sort=False, ) groupInfo = groupInfo.reset_index()[["sample", "barcode", "cluster"]] groupInfo["cluster"] = groupInfo["cluster"].astype("category") # re-construct new labels (sample+bc) newlabels = ["::".join([x, y]) for x, y in zip(groupInfo["sample"], groupInfo["barcode"])] # Normalization options scale_factor = args.scaleFactor func_args = {"scaleFactor": args.scaleFactor} coverageAsFrequency = False if not args.ignoreForNormalization: args.ignoreForNormalization = [] if args.normalizeUsing == "None": args.normalizeUsing = None # For the sake of sanity elif args.normalizeUsing == "Frequency": coverageAsFrequency = True args.normalizeUsing = "Mean" # mean of binarized counts shall give us frequency # This fixes issue #520, where --extendReads wasn't honored if --filterRNAstrand was used if args.filterRNAstrand and not args.Offset: args.Offset = [1, -1] if args.MNase: # check that library is paired end # using getFragmentAndReadSize from deeptools.getFragmentAndReadSize import get_read_and_fragment_length fraglengths = [ get_read_and_fragment_length( file, return_lengths=False, blackListFileName=args.blackListFileName, numberOfProcessors=args.numberOfProcessors, verbose=args.verbose, ) for file in args.bamfiles ] if any([x[0] is None for x in fraglengths]): sys.exit("*Error*: For the --MNAse function a paired end library is required. ") # Set some default fragment length bounds if args.minFragmentLength == 0: args.minFragmentLength = 130 if args.maxFragmentLength == 0: args.maxFragmentLength = 200 wr = CenterFragment( args.bamfiles, binLength=args.binSize, stepSize=args.binSize, barcodes=barcodes, clusterInfo=groupInfo, cellTag=args.cellTag, groupTag=args.groupTag, groupLabels=newlabels, motifFilter=args.motifFilter, genome2bit=args.genome2bit, GCcontentFilter=args.GCcontentFilter, region=args.region, blackListFileName=args.blackListFileName, numberOfProcessors=args.numberOfProcessors, extendReads=args.extendReads, minMappingQuality=args.minMappingQuality, duplicateFilter=args.duplicateFilter, center_read=args.centerReads, zerosToNans=False, samFlag_include=args.samFlagInclude, samFlag_exclude=args.samFlagExclude, minFragmentLength=args.minFragmentLength, maxFragmentLength=args.maxFragmentLength, chrsToSkip=args.ignoreForNormalization, binarizeCoverage=coverageAsFrequency, verbose=args.verbose, ) elif args.Offset: if len(args.Offset) > 1: if args.Offset[0] == 0: sys.exit( "*Error*: An offset of 0 isn't allowed, since offsets are 1-based positions inside each alignment." ) if args.Offset[1] > 0 and args.Offset[1] < args.Offset[0]: sys.exit("'Error*: The right side bound is less than the left-side bound. This is inappropriate.") else: if args.Offset[0] == 0: sys.exit( "*Error*: An offset of 0 isn't allowed, since offsets are 1-based positions inside each alignment." ) wr = OffsetFragment( args.bamfiles, binLength=args.binSize, stepSize=args.binSize, barcodes=barcodes, clusterInfo=groupInfo, cellTag=args.cellTag, groupTag=args.groupTag, groupLabels=newlabels, motifFilter=args.motifFilter, genome2bit=args.genome2bit, GCcontentFilter=args.GCcontentFilter, region=args.region, numberOfProcessors=args.numberOfProcessors, extendReads=args.extendReads, minMappingQuality=args.minMappingQuality, duplicateFilter=args.duplicateFilter, center_read=args.centerReads, zerosToNans=False, samFlag_include=args.samFlagInclude, samFlag_exclude=args.samFlagExclude, minFragmentLength=args.minFragmentLength, maxFragmentLength=args.maxFragmentLength, chrsToSkip=args.ignoreForNormalization, binarizeCoverage=coverageAsFrequency, verbose=args.verbose, ) wr.filter_strand = args.filterRNAstrand wr.Offset = args.Offset else: wr = WriteBedGraph.WriteBedGraph( args.bamfiles, binLength=args.binSize, stepSize=args.binSize, barcodes=barcodes, clusterInfo=groupInfo, cellTag=args.cellTag, groupTag=args.groupTag, groupLabels=newlabels, motifFilter=args.motifFilter, genome2bit=args.genome2bit, GCcontentFilter=args.GCcontentFilter, region=args.region, blackListFileName=args.blackListFileName, numberOfProcessors=args.numberOfProcessors, extendReads=args.extendReads, minMappingQuality=args.minMappingQuality, duplicateFilter=args.duplicateFilter, center_read=args.centerReads, zerosToNans=False, samFlag_include=args.samFlagInclude, samFlag_exclude=args.samFlagExclude, minFragmentLength=args.minFragmentLength, maxFragmentLength=args.maxFragmentLength, chrsToSkip=args.ignoreForNormalization, binarizeCoverage=coverageAsFrequency, verbose=args.verbose, ) WriteBedGraph.scaleCoverage, func_args, args.outFilePrefix, blackListFileName=args.blackListFileName, normUsing=args.normalizeUsing, format=args.outFileFormat, smoothLength=None, )
[docs]class OffsetFragment(WriteBedGraph.WriteBedGraph): """ Class to redefine the get_fragment_from_read for the --Offset case """
[docs] def filterStrand(self, read, rv): """ A generic read filtering function that gets used by everything in this class. rv is returned if the strand is correct, otherwise [(None, None)] """ # Filter by RNA strand, if desired if read.is_paired: if self.filter_strand == "forward": if read.flag & 144 == 128 or read.flag & 96 == 64: return rv elif self.filter_strand == "reverse": if read.flag & 144 == 144 or read.flag & 96 == 96: return rv else: return rv else: if self.filter_strand == "forward": if read.flag & 16 == 16: return rv elif self.filter_strand == "reverse": if read.flag & 16 == 0: return rv else: return rv return [(None, None)]
[docs] def get_fragment_from_read_list(self, read, offset): """ Return the range of exons from the 0th through 1st bases, inclusive. Positions are 1-based """ rv = [(None, None)] blocks = read.get_blocks() blockLen = sum([x[1] - x[0] for x in blocks]) if self.defaultFragmentLength != "read length": if self.is_proper_pair(read, self.maxPairedFragmentLength): if read.is_reverse: foo = (read.next_reference_start, read.reference_start) if foo[0] < foo[1]: blocks.insert(0, foo) else: foo = ( read.reference_end, read.reference_end + abs(read.template_length) - read.infer_query_length(), ) if foo[0] < foo[1]: blocks.append(foo) # Extend using the default fragment length else: if read.is_reverse: foo = ( read.reference_start - self.defaultFragmentLength + read.infer_query_length(), read.reference_start, ) if foo[0] < 0: foo = (0, foo[1]) if foo[0] < foo[1]: blocks.insert(0, foo) else: foo = ( read.reference_end, read.reference_end + self.defaultFragmentLength - read.infer_query_length(), ) if foo[0] < foo[1]: blocks.append(foo) stretch = [] # For the sake of simplicity, convert [(10, 20), (30, 40)] to [10, 11, 12, 13, ..., 40] # Then subset accordingly for block in blocks: stretch.extend(range(block[0], block[1])) if read.is_reverse: stretch = stretch[::-1] # Handle --centerReads if self.center_read: _ = (len(stretch) - blockLen) // 2 stretch = stretch[_ : _ + blockLen] # Subset by --Offset try: foo = stretch[offset[0] : offset[1]] except: return rv if len(foo) == 0: return rv if read.is_reverse: foo = foo[::-1] # Convert the stretch back to a list of tuples foo = np.array(foo) d = foo[1:] - foo[:-1] idx = np.argwhere(d > 1).flatten().tolist() # This now holds the interval bounds as a list idx.append(-1) last = 0 rv = [] for i in idx: rv.append((foo[last].astype("int"), foo[i].astype("int") + 1)) last = i + 1 # Handle strand filtering, if needed return self.filterStrand(read, rv)
[docs] def get_fragment_from_read(self, read): """ This is mostly a wrapper for self.get_fragment_from_read_list(), which needs a list and for the offsets to be tweaked by 1. """ offset = [x for x in self.Offset] if len(offset) > 1: if offset[0] > 0: offset[0] -= 1 if offset[1] < 0: offset[1] += 1 else: if offset[0] > 0: offset[0] -= 1 offset = [offset[0], offset[0] + 1] else: if offset[0] < -1: offset = [offset[0], offset[0] + 1] else: offset = [offset[0], None] if offset[1] == 0: # -1 gets switched to 0, which screws things up offset = (offset[0], None) return self.get_fragment_from_read_list(read, offset)
[docs]class CenterFragment(WriteBedGraph.WriteBedGraph): """ Class to redefine the get_fragment_from_read for the --MNase case The coverage of the fragment is defined as the 2 or 3 basepairs at the center of the fragment length. """
[docs] def get_fragment_from_read(self, read): """ Takes a proper pair fragment of high quality and limited to a certain length and outputs the center """ fragment_start = fragment_end = None # only paired forward reads are considered # Fragments have already been filtered according to length if read.is_proper_pair and not read.is_reverse and 1 < abs(read.tlen): # distance between pairs is even return two bases at the center if read.tlen % 2 == 0: fragment_start = read.pos + read.tlen / 2 - 1 fragment_end = fragment_start + 2 # distance is odd return three bases at the center else: fragment_start = read.pos + read.tlen / 2 - 1 fragment_end = fragment_start + 3 return [(fragment_start, fragment_end)]