Source code for sincei.GetStats

import sys
import os

from deeptools import parserCommon, bamHandler, utilities
from deeptools.mapReduce import mapReduce
from deeptoolsintervals import GTF

import numpy as np
import py2bit
import pandas as pd

## own functions
scriptdir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.pardir), "sincei")
from sincei.Utilities import *

[docs]def getStats_worker(arglist): r"""Computes statistics for each read in a bam file This function computes statistics for each read in a bam file. Parameters ---------- bamfiles : list List containing the names of indexed bam files. E.g. ['file1.bam', 'file2.bam'] binSize : int Length of the window/bin. This value is overruled by ``bedFile`` if present. barcodes : list list of barcodes to count the reads from. numberOfSamples : int Total number of samples. The genome is divided into ``numberOfSamples``, each with a window/bin length equal to ``binLength``. This value is overruled by ``stepSize`` in case such value is present and by ``bedFile`` in which case the number of samples and bins are defined in the bed file numberOfProcessors : int Number of processors to use. Default is 4 verbose : bool Output messages. Default: False region : str Region to limit the computation in the form chrom:start """ chrom, start, end, args = arglist # Fix the bounds if end - start > args.binSize and end - start > args.distanceBetweenBins: end -= args.distanceBetweenBins if end <= start: end = start + 1 ## open genome if needed if args.genome2bit: twoBitGenome =, True) ## open blacklist file blackList = None if args.blackListFileName is not None: blackList = GTF(args.blackListFileName) o = [] for fname in args.bamfiles: fh = bamHandler.openBam(fname) chromUse = utilities.mungeChromosome(chrom, fh.references) prev_pos = set() lpos = None ## initiate a dict with all values to keep per read info_list = [] # dict.fromkeys(['barcode', 'position', 'duplicate', 'GCcontent', 'strand']) for read in fh.fetch(chromUse, start, end): ## general filtering if read.pos < start: # ensure that we never double count (in case distanceBetweenBins == 0) continue if read.flag & 4: # Ignore unmapped reads, they were counted already continue if args.minMappingQuality and read.mapq < args.minMappingQuality: continue if args.minAlignedFraction: if not checkAlignedFraction(read, args.minAlignedFraction): continue if blackList and blackList.findOverlaps( chrom, read.reference_start, read.reference_start + read.infer_query_length(always=False) - 1, ): continue if args.motifFilter: test = [checkMotifs(read, chrom, twoBitGenome, m[0], m[1]) for m in args.motifFilter] # if none given motif found, return true if not any(test): continue # now collect info info = [None for n in range(0, 8)] info[0] = chromUse if args.barcodes is not None: try: bc = read.get_tag(args.cellTag) if bc in args.barcodes: info[1] = True else: info[1] = False except KeyError: continue else: info[1] = False bc = None info[2] = read.reference_start ## Duplicates tup = getDupFilterTuple(read, bc, args.duplicateFilter) if lpos is not None and lpos == read.reference_start and tup in prev_pos: info[3] = True # read is duplicate info[4] = 0 else: info[3] = False if lpos != read.reference_start: prev_pos.clear() ## add distance to last read if lpos is None: info[4] = 0 else: info[4] = abs(float(lpos - read.reference_start)) ## also add the distance of this read to previous pos lpos = read.reference_start prev_pos.add(tup) info[5] = checkGCcontent(read, args.GCcontentFilter[0], args.GCcontentFilter[1], returnGC=True) # filterRNAstrand info[6] = read.is_reverse if args.getReadID: info[7] = read.query_name info_list.append(info) fh.close() # out is an array with row = len(barcode) [384], column = len(stats) [11] o.append(info_list) return o